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Cover Letters

In today’s workplace and job-market the cover letter is almost as crucial as the résumé is. As such, it is assigned a “one-third” value of my overall product. Without an effective and compelling cover letter, some human resource employees and hiring managers will not review a résumé with the attention it deserves. Those that do not have this component are an easy choice to remove from consideration. My cover letters are unique, custom, and drive hiring managers to spend the time looking at your résumé that it deserves.

Update 1/09/2020: A recruiter colleague just published this on his personal FB:

This is a comment about the Cover Letter process, as seen through the eyes of a recruiter, and how it effects your resume and its audience. I stress to my clients that I value them as 1/3 the overall worth of my product.


Kyle Kinslow

Looking for a job? Here is a tip:
I put MAYBE 2-3mins into looking over your resume.
I will read your entire Cover Letter.
Which one do you think is more important?”


My cover letters are impactful,  engaging, and completely customized. You can purchase a customized cover letter (standard), or you can simply buy the template from me (MS WORD format). Contact me for details.

619-634-6121 or jamie@resumesdoneright.net